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Lili Liu

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1.Promoting Effect of Ti Species in MnOx-FeOx/Silicalite-1 for the Low-

Temperature NH3-SCR Reaction,Jialiang Gu, Rudi Duan, Weibin Chen, Yan Chen, LiliLiu and Xidong Wang*,Catalysts, 2020,V10, P566

2. Highly dispersed MnOx–FeOx supported by silicalite-1 for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3 at low temperatures, Jialiang Gu,Bingjun Zhu,Rudi Duan,Yan Chen, Shaoxin Wang, Lili Liu and Xidong Wang g*, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2020,V10, P5525

3.In Situ DRIFTS Investigation on CeOx Catalyst Supported by Fly-Ash-Made Porous Cordierite Ceramics for Low-Temperature NH3-SCR of NOX,Shaoxin Wang, Ziwei Chen, Beini He, Zheng Yan, Hao Wang, Lili Liu and Xidong Wang, Catalysts, 2019,V9, P496

4.Integrated utilization of fly ash and waste glass for synthesis of foam/dense bi-layered insulation ceramic tile, Hao Wang, Yongqi Sun, Lili Liu, Ru Ji, Xidong Wang, Energy & Buildings, 2018, V168, P67

5.Solid waste utilization in the iron and steel industry in China: towards sustainability. Yongqi Sun, Hao Wang, Lili Liu, Xidong Wang. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, 2017, V126, No1-2, P41

6.Synthesis of a foam ceramic based on ceramic tile polishing waste using SiC as foaming agent.Hao Wang, Ziwei Chen, LiliLiu, Ru Ji, Xidong Wang. 2018, V44, P10078

7.Roles of P2O5 Addition on the Viscosity and Structure of CaO–SiO2–Al2O3–Na2O–P2O5 Melts, Hao Wang, Ziwei Chen, Lili Liu, Xidong Wang, ISIJ International, V58, P1644

8.Promoting effect of Nd on the reduction of NO with NH3 over CeO2 supported by activated semi-coke: an in situ DRIFTS study, Chen Yan,Wang Jinping, Yan Zheng, Liu Lili, Zhang Zuotai, Wang Xidong, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2015, v5(4), P2251

9.In situ DRIFTS studies on MnOxnanowires,supported by activatedsemi-coke for low temperature selective catalytic reduction of NOxwith NH3, Yan chen, Zuotai Zhang, Lili Liu,Liang Mi, Xidong Wang, Applied Surface Science, 2016, v366, p139

10.Promotional effect of rare earth-doped manganese oxides supported on activated semi-coke for selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3, Yan Zheng, Qu Yanxin, Liu Lili, Ge Xinlei, Yang Jiayao, Wei Lihong, Yang Tianhua, Wang Xidong, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017,V24(31),P24473

11.Activated Semi-coke in SO2 Removal from Flue Gas: Selection of Activation Methodology and Desulfurization Mechanism Study, Zheng Yan, Lili Liu*, Yueling Zhang, Jinping Wang, Zuotai Zhang, and Xidong Wang*, Energy & Fuels, 2013,V27, P3080

12. Tailoring CoO-ZnO nanorod and nanotube array for Li-ion battery anode materials, Yingjie Feng, Ruqiang Zou, Dingguo Xia, Lili Liu, Xidong Wang*, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013 V1, P9654

13. Hydrothermal Synthesis of CeO2 Nanoparticles on Activated Carbon with Enhanced Desulfurization Activity, Zheng Yan, Jinping Wang, Ruqiang Zou, Lili Liu, Zuotai Zhang, Xidong Wang, Energy & Fuels, 2012,V26, P5879

14. Hydrothermal Synthesis and Automotive Exhaust Catalytic Performance of CeO2 Nanotube Arrays, Yingjie Feng, Lili Liu, Xidong Wang, J. Mater. Chem., 2011,V11, P1